Cyberpunk Book Club: VA-11 Hall-A

Welcome to Cyberpunk Book Club, where we look at the wide range of video games in the genre, play through a 3-hour slice and discuss the themes and ideas it presents. All art is political, and cyberpunk is one of the most commentary-heavy genres out there – let’s discuss it!

Dubbed as “Waifu bartending” by the game’s creator, VA-11 Hall-A is a visual novel taking place entirely within a small bar in Glitch City. With danger on the streets and a spiralling economy, all sorts of people need a place to hide away from the harsh world outside. In this session we start playing a few nights into the game and meet a 24/7 livestreamer, a very rude private investigator, an even ruder veterinarian and a totally adorable robot boy.

On this episode is Nathan, Tom and Will.