Passion Project #14: Thought Bubble 2018

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Catch up with Passion Project weekly on Bunkazilla Radio.

Colliding international culture and impossibly big ideas; host Nathan Blades speaks to LGBTQ artists from across the world and across genre about their work, their inspirations and if they had infinite time and resources what weird and wonderful thing they would make.

This week we I talk to friend of the show Tab Kimpton about the Thought Bubble convention.

Focused on people in the comics, illustration and publishing world, Thought Bubble has a very unique energy – it’s as much of a place to connect professionally with other artists as it is a place to buy things. Its dedication to highlight diversity and small-scale independent artists makes it one of my favourite conventions.

Throughout our chat there are bonus mini-interviews with exhibitors attending the con! It’s a real hum-dinger of an episode.