Quiz: Can the Super Movers Crew Guess Your Sport?

I wrote this choose-your-own-adventure quiz for the BBC Learning Super Movers campaign.

Super Movers aims to get children moving throughout the day with lots of free, easy-to-use video resources and great football-inspired incentives like a visit from the Premier League Trophy. Brain Booster routines star famous faces and cover key areas of Numeracy and Literacy.

The quiz design is less like a story with branching paths and instead like a small version of 20 questions. Or Akinator, if you remember that but of internet. And instead of guessing celebrities or famous fictional characters; it’s guessing sports hobbies. So maybe not much like Akinator at all.

Still, this odd quiz reached the BBC home page on 3rd October, 2018.

Play the Guess Your Sport quiz on the BBC Sport website here.

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