The Sprawl – Shadowcasters Live: Episode 0

I have joined The Shadowcasters Network livestream channel for an actual play series of The Sprawl.

The Sprawl is a PbtA cyberpunk adventure set in a future-Earth city built collaboratively by the cast and the audience on Twitch. Welcome to the Miami Arch. Sprawl, a world of fashion, chrome, smoke, and neon.

I play Kai ‘Geppetto’ Newitz, a robotics expert from a toy-manufacturing company who realised that the robots their company made were sentient, and has set about liberating as many as possible.

On this episode, we brainstorm ideas for our sprawl, our antagonists, and our characters! Four operators try to get away with as much destruction of the system as they can, while turning a profit, and without getting caught. The clocks are ticking…

The Shadowcasters Network can be viewed on Twitch and YouTube.